Phoenix Secrets
The last step is to create a file or files to hold secret configs. When you create a phoenix project, this is generated for you and added to .gitignore.
You should still be switched to the builder user. Create a config directory.
mkdir ~/config
Create a prod secret config. Replace "example" with the proper name of your project. Replace the db name and password with the db name and db user password you created in the last chapter.
use Mix.Config
config :example, Example.Endpoint,
secret_key_base: "SECRET_KEY"
config :example, Example.Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
username: "web",
password: "password",
database: "example_prod",
pool_size: 20
For reasons discussed later, you'll need to copy this to a stage config as well.
cp /home/builder/config/prod.secret.exs /home/builder/config/stage.secret.exs
Leave that for now. You can edit it later.